So it has been about a year since I worked at that retched amusement park, and I am glad that I do not work there any longer! But, I made an unfortunate visit to the park about two weeks ago...
It was just as I remembered down, unsanitary, crowded and not worth the money. Oh, the times me and that park used to I don't miss them! A lot hasn't changed in the park; in fact, things have gotten worse. Would you like to enjoy a nice bumper car ride? Too bad! The bumper cars desperately need to be replaced. They hardly work anymore. But on the plus side, they decided to replace the coaster for The Comet...or spray paint it a new colour. Who knows. We did go into the water park, but once again, I really don't want to see the effects of McDonald's...but see them, I did. It's really not what I want to see, but unfortunately, you can't go anywhere in the states without seeing it. Now, me and my sister didn't swim because of our newly acquired injuries (ATV's can and DO flip over..........) and it is a good thing because it was just overwhelmingly unsanitary and disgusting. If there is anything that desperately needs to be fixed up, its the water park. Sure, the new "toilet bowl" ride is pretty sweet, but that is the only thing that is sanitary looking and that is only because its new.
And, you have NO IDEA what you're really swimming in when it comes to public swimming park and pools... (Photo from the movie "Grown-Ups")
But anyway, the rides were okay. The Crazy Mouse, or Wild Cat, or whatever the devil that little coaster-like thing is called wasn't so bad. But of course, it is only a few years old. The Ferris Wheel, on the other hand could use with some colour. The thing looks like it hasn't been painted in years (probably true). It would make it look a little less old and dangerous if it has some colour to it. And we didn't even dare venture onto the Full Tilt after our experience last year with loose harnessing.
So that was terrifying. Did I mention the faulty antique cars? Yea, my cousin drove the rear wheel off the track FIVE TIMES. It would seem that the antique cars need a new track. Maybe one that could actually keep the cars on them. Hmmm...sounds crazy, right!? But unfortunately, they are too cheap to fix up their park. All I know is that when my cousin learns to drive, I will be sure to get off the road.
Speaking of out dated, has anyone seen the Wild Western show? We didn't see it, but we could hear it going on as we entered t
Overall, this park still needs a major make over. But I highly doubt that that is going to happen because the owner is obviously a very cheap man if he has let it get this bad. And the worst part is that he is making a shit load of money on his crappy run down park. *sigh* the world today. Instead of riding crappy rides, why not go play outside? Throw a rock, kick a can, have an adventure. Go find Never Neverland! Do something productive! Don't waste money on this crappy park! Goodness!