Alright, another day at work, ugh. Well, I got to work early today, not terribly early, but I had time to get my shirt and everything, plus a few minutes of just standing around. That was the first time since my first day. I was less than happy when I heard I would be on the boats. Other than the teacups, it was my least favorite ride. I left wardrobe, walked like five feet before I realized I forgot to punch in. That could have been tragic! I went back, clocked in, and left for the boats. 
When I got there, there was already a mother and child waiting closely by the gate. I excused myself, and did my test run. There seemed to be a decent amount of people riding and in the park today, not and overwhelming number, but it wasn’t dead…until around one-ish. The park seemed to be starting to clear out. I would only give like one or two kids a ride every once in a while. I noticed a few of my co-workers were sitting, so I hopped up on the wooden fence that surrounded the boats. I watched for any sign of Eric or Sara--knowing I would get in trouble for sitting--but Eric was only in the kiddie park for a few minutes earlier, and Sara was helping with the trains ( I just had to stand when I heard the train coming). There seemed to be something wrong with both the trains that went around the park. They were working on them, Sara and one of the maintenance guys.
On top of the trains, after giving a ride, I noticed how quiet it was. I was confused about the silence, but then I realized what the cause of it was: the music that is usually blaring in the kiddie park had stopped. It was strange how quiet it was--I could actually hear kids yelling in excitement, and people talking, and co-workers talking. Strange indeed, though I wasn’t complaining, I liked having some quiet. I talked to Destiny a lot today, it was kind of nice having a friend in my department to talk to. We talked about various things throughout the day, and I even talked to Jill a bit. I was coming to know a few people that I would talk to. It was way better than being the noob that knew nothing and nobody. So, I was enjoying the quiet, and sitting on the fence and the lack of people.
Around six, Destiny was on the ride next to me and we were talking. She mention that we might get to go home because there was really no one in the park. Then Sara came walking over and asked me if I wanted to go home. Just talking to Destiny, she yelled over that I just told her I wanted to go home. Thanks Destiny. Of course I wanted to go home! But, if I were to go, I would have to pick up another day to get all my hours. This is something to avoid. So I told Sara that if she didn’t need me, I would go, but if she did need me, I would stay. She asked me if I knew how to work the teacups.
When I got there, there was already a mother and child waiting closely by the gate. I excused myself, and did my test run. There seemed to be a decent amount of people riding and in the park today, not and overwhelming number, but it wasn’t dead…until around one-ish. The park seemed to be starting to clear out. I would only give like one or two kids a ride every once in a while. I noticed a few of my co-workers were sitting, so I hopped up on the wooden fence that surrounded the boats. I watched for any sign of Eric or Sara--knowing I would get in trouble for sitting--but Eric was only in the kiddie park for a few minutes earlier, and Sara was helping with the trains ( I just had to stand when I heard the train coming). There seemed to be something wrong with both the trains that went around the park. They were working on them, Sara and one of the maintenance guys.
On top of the trains, after giving a ride, I noticed how quiet it was. I was confused about the silence, but then I realized what the cause of it was: the music that is usually blaring in the kiddie park had stopped. It was strange how quiet it was--I could actually hear kids yelling in excitement, and people talking, and co-workers talking. Strange indeed, though I wasn’t complaining, I liked having some quiet. I talked to Destiny a lot today, it was kind of nice having a friend in my department to talk to. We talked about various things throughout the day, and I even talked to Jill a bit. I was coming to know a few people that I would talk to. It was way better than being the noob that knew nothing and nobody. So, I was enjoying the quiet, and sitting on the fence and the lack of people.
Around six, Destiny was on the ride next to me and we were talking. She mention that we might get to go home because there was really no one in the park. Then Sara came walking over and asked me if I wanted to go home. Just talking to Destiny, she yelled over that I just told her I wanted to go home. Thanks Destiny. Of course I wanted to go home! But, if I were to go, I would have to pick up another day to get all my hours. This is something to avoid. So I told Sara that if she didn’t need me, I would go, but if she did need me, I would stay. She asked me if I knew how to work the teacups.
So, I didn’t leave, but was moved to another ride--I know, I know, your probably thinking, “What!? Are you crazy!?” Of course I wanted to leave, but I needed my hours.-- If I was moved to a new ride half way through every work day, this job wouldn’t be nearly as bad! There was about three hours left until the park closed, so I figured, with a new ride, I could handle it. Unfortunately, the teacups are my least favorite ride because they spin, and spinning results in dizziness, vomiting, fainting, nauseous feeling, etc. I don’t want to have to deal with that. Truth be told, I only gave a few rides. There were two little twin girl who rode a few times, and a few random rides, other than that, nothing.
But of course, the teacups never go without incident. Two girls and a boy were riding in one cup together, and they were spinning relatively fast. Suddenly, the boy started crying, and fell over and then proceeded to scream. I hit the stop button then jumped on the platform and stopped the cup from spinning. He was okay, I think it was just too much spinning for him. Other than that, nothing happened. The rides were temporarily shut down when Sara saw lightning. She just told me to turn it off. I had to explain to a few people who came up that the ride was temporarily closed. I wish it was closed for the remaining half hour that was left for the night, but no. About five minutes later, Sara told me it was okay to re-open. I only had like one or two rides after that and I was done. I must say, today wasn’t as bad. I was sitting a lot of course because there was no one there, and I moved to another ride. If work was like this more often, I don’t think I would mind working there for more than one day. But I know better than to ask for more days.
Funny Note: There was this guy and his little boy walking around. I look over to the Magic ring, and Jill is standing aside laughing while the guy was running the ride for his kid. I couldn’t help but laughing, he was standing there with his foot on the petal, laughing and clapping and telling his kid to drive the car. It’s the funniest thing I’ve seen a parent do at the park. Sara came over and talked to him though, I think he got in trouble. But it was still so funny!
My day in a nutshell: My day didn’t really consist of a lot of talking. I didn’t even tell kids to take their hands out of the water that much. And I didn’t really say anything repeatedly at the teacups either. It was a quiet day. Thank goodness!
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