So, once again I was assigned the Crazy Bus. I arrived to work late,--trying to leave the house a little late, then kept forgetting things and really ended up being late.--got my shirt, swiped my card got the keys to the crazy bus, and I was off. I’m not positive what happened but after a little while, my stomach started to hurt, then my head, and I couldn’t stand up, and I couldn’t concentrate on my work. I planned on saying something to one of my supervisors when they came by, but nothing. I continued on--more like dragged on--with my work, trying to be perky, but failing miserably.
When letting some kids on, Heather--one of my supervisors--asked if I was okay. I responded with telling her no and that I felt sick. She asked if I wanted to go home, and I took the offer. I felt terrible. I don’t know if it was from lack of a large breakfast or screaming children, or watching that bus go around, and around, and around. I went home, head hurting and stomach being all achy, and took a shower. The shower helped I suppose. But then I made some ramen noodles. I don’t understand the feeling. I didn’t feel full,--ramen noodles usually fill me right up-- so I must not have been hungry, but I didn’t throw it back up. I have no idea. I just felt really blah, but with all the issues I’ve been having the past week, blah is my normal state. I had a breakdown when my Dad got home about work.
To most people, working at an amusement park seems like easy money. I mean, you stand there and push a button all day. How easy is that! The main problem I think I’m having with it is this: First, the first job I had was a paper route which consisted of delivering papers every Friday. I always knew what day I would be working and for how long--usually a few hours including rolling, bagging and delivering. Second, my second job was a job I happened upon a the horse stable I ride at. I worked every Saturday from7am-11am. Again, I knew when and where and for how long. Although I eventually ended up working at the barn for 9 hours a day, I worked up to it, I was always moving around, and was with my friends. It was work and play all rolled into one. Then comes my first real job, and I’m overwhelmed. The hours are long, I stand in one spot, I have scheduled breaks, (something that didn’t apply at the barn), and had to stand in the same spot running the same ride, and watching the same other rides near me. It’s and overwhelming job for someone who is first starting out. Not to mention that any days I work I can’t do anything with friends. This job takes up the entire day. Movies with friends? Nope! Going to the barn? Nope! Going to see family? Nope! Can’t do any of it! That’s one of the main things that bothers me. All my friends have jobs that are four or five hours in the afternoon so they have the whole morning and afternoon to do what they wants. Me? Nope! What I was hoping for when I was applying for jobs was something that was maybe three days a week for three or four hours a day. I think if this job was like that, I wouldn’t be complaining so much.